Thursday, April 27, 2023

Maybe they should think about their energy, too.

“'The young people of America are not going to go to war in ’24 for the man who approved the Willow Project. And [establishment Democrats] think I’m not taking the fascist seriously,' she muses.

Again evoking the corporate Democrats, she asks, in a stern, mocking voice, '‘Does she not realize the fascists are at the door?’' She answers, in exasperation: 'No, you are the ones who don’t realize fascism is at the door.'

"It’s not like it’s working, guys! That’s what kills me about the neoliberal establishment," she continues with indignation. 'They’re so self-congratulatory. What are they so freaking proud of? We are six inches from the cliff, in terms of the state of our democracy, the state of our environment, and the state of our economy. And they’re so proud. They have dinners and congratulate each other, and call anyone not playing their game unserious.'

The reception of Williamson reminds me of how journalist Matt Taibbi described the pundits’ attitude in the early 2000s toward Dennis Kucinich, who had many ideas in common with Williamson, including the creation of a Department of Peace. In 2003, Taibbi wrote, 'Welcome to the Dennis Kucinich paradox. The congressman is not serious precisely because he is serious.'"

~ Liza Featherstone, Marianne Williamson

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