Thursday, August 25, 2022

Anyway, Megan et alia could be on the verge of a number of personal growth / breakthroughs

Megan McArdle on Twitter: "Anyway, having paid off $100k of student loans on a salary of much less than $100k, the reason I think others in that situation should also pay off their loans is not because I'm jealous of them and want them to suffer. It's because I know it can be done." / Twitter

"Give Megan a break, she grew up on the mean streets of NYC, her father was director of the General Contractors Association of New York, her mother a real estate broker for Prudential Douglas Elliman. HS Riverdale Country School, undergrad at Penn B.A., MBA University of Chicago."

Teapot Dome was Amateur Hour!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Do you hear yourself? Yeah, I went to a State U, started a business, sold it for 8 figures and paid full tuition to send my kids to state schools. The reason I think YOU should have done that instead of racking up debt at Ivy League & B-schools is because I know it can be done." / Twitter

bleu checkmark guy on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo i read a story about an Australian man who while hanging out with his friends went to the bathroom and used a dull rusty knife to cut his own balls off. he emerged from the bathroom bloody and declared “i’ve done it! i’ve cut my balls off!” lots of things can be done megan" / Twitter

snk playtoomuch on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo im glad that you suffered and now feel cheated tbh" / Twitter

Double Stuf Warios on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Anyway, having recovered from a bacterial infection with merely leaches and prayer, the reason I think others in that situation should also not be given antibiotics is not because I'm jealous of them and want them to suffer. It's because I know it can be done." / Twitter

Surf City Writer 歴史 on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Megan, a bit older than you, worked my way through school, also started as a journalist. I'm aware enough to know that loans after our time at university were vastly different, often predatory. How? Because I researched it for my child. Your take is a false equivalence." / Twitter

The War on Birdmas on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo @chillersnosk8 The median income for someone who works at the economist is $100,000 Megan." / Twitter

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