Monday, March 21, 2022

The Beautiful Blue Coat

"The 'Loving' Costumes are Just as Powerful and Understated as the Film" | Fashionista

Between the film and the documentary I finally got my suspicion confirmed about Mildred Loving's blue coat.

I told a most trusted & helpful soul that I believed Mildred Loving's coat was a deep royal blue with a black collar, much like the blue coat I wore when we met in college which also had a black collar, but whenever I look online, it's hard to find color photographs of her in the blue coat. 

After watching the movie and seeing her in a darker blue coat with more of a brown furry collar, I wanted to know if I could see the color of the actual coat in the documentary. He fell asleep for part of it, and then woke up again. I was distracted when I heard him say, "Coat!" And yes, there it was!

I no longer have the coat I wore in college, but today I have a wrap which is also a very deep blue and it has a black collar.

"Loving v. Virginia was decided 50 years ago. This HBO documentary explores the couple at its center"

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