Sunday, March 20, 2022

Grateful some physical symptoms are better this am

I really need to take better care of this body, because that's who I am married to right now. A dream a few days ago that seemed to warn of the possibility of even worse health issues was not taken lightly.

There are some people out there who are very stubborn and don't realize that they are being quite unhealthy and misusing their potential, and hopefully they can be more open to hearing how it is for others and to healing themselves, but who knows when they will?

While you might know that some people who are capable of much more are being unskilled in a way that seems upsetting or bad for your health, it's also possible to find people who have more skill and are willing to share their can focus on being grateful for those people.

It really would be nice if people in certain industries were more skilled and kinder and more truthful right now, but if they're not there yet, they're not. They may get there in this lifetime, or they may need to come back again to become better at certain things. Well, it does seem quite cruel at times. It feels like a travesty. There are people in certain industries who seem very narcissistic and unreliable and dishonest and not very sensitive to others...but the unskilled are wounding themselves, too. It seems they actually won’t always be able to escape facing up to themselves and their choices. 

Sometimes, if you are being the unskilled one, then getting to know how to be more honest with yourself and able to forgive yourself and find a new way of being on Earth is how you become the happier person that you want to be. 

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