Friday, October 15, 2021

Hi, Spritual Side

I can make a positive experience here tonight, yes? I have a real twinge on the right I can't ignore so I took some vitamins I'd been neglecting. Sorry, body. What would you like me to do now?

I can laugh about a kitten and let her get on the bed and attack my toes which are somewhat protected by covers.

I can apply a heating pad or try massage techniques because certain physical discomforts have arisen.

I can say I honor a body (the one I live in)

I can get in touch with my younger side.

I can be she who advances spiritually just by being a person who respects a certain kind of life experience.

I can love a soul for existing and I can feel close to wiser powers or beings who love us fragile humans and if I read or think about the right things this spiritual world can feel closer.

So, the funny thing is, maybe a bit of discomfort can be what leads  me to a better way of living sometimes.

I remember that I like to remember good things.

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