Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Prayers for

Since I have a sensitive body in the mornings, I am drinking water and hugging a heating pad...

I know this body can feel better and it will.

I get a sense that when certain people at certain levels in society are needlessly insensitive to others, it is because they have accumulated behavior patterns to deal with their own pain...nothing can stay the same forever.

Even if I have felt impaired by my own sensitivity at times, and even if my body has been a challenging one to live in, I feel like I can appreciate all that I am learning from it, and that's way more important than I realized.

That appreciation for your own body, which I would say is not exactly encouraged by mainstream society, is even more important than I previously realized. 

Appreciating yourself as you are now before other people in outer mainstream society have taken you into consideration is an intense lesson to experience on this planet. 

Society will evolve when we can easily feel and express more appreciation of a greater range of differences ♡ is what my body tells me this morning.

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