Tuesday, December 22, 2020

why? why not?

I have to take breaks from packing.

Great Depression Cooking - Peppers and Eggs (part 1) - YouTube

emmyinjapan: Clara's Great Depression DANDELION SALAD | HARD TIMES - recipes from times of food scarcity - YouTube


M. Kavita ~ west covina but it's the song rebecca bunch plays in the finale - original song - YouTube


nethan on Twitter: "@MsRebeccaBlack realizing Rebecca black gets sad sum times https://t.co/EPz5OynPr5" / Twitter

Scott Kerr on Twitter: "Enormous xylophone in the woods of Kyushu, Japan plays a Bach tune when a wooden ball rolls down each "key." An impressive piece of engineering. https://t.co/fE0VocHGAy" / Twitter


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