Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thank you, Bruce.

And Timothy.
And Michael.


“'[Trump] has no interest in uniting the country, really, and actually has an interest in doing the opposite and dividing us, which he does on an almost daily basis,' Springsteen told Esquire magazine. ' So that’s simply a crime against humanity, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an awful, awful message to send out into the world if you’re in that job and in that position. It’s just an ugly, awful message.'

He added, 'It’s a scary moment for any conscientious American, I think.'"

~ T. Bella


"'As Springsteen confesses to me, “I have come close enough to [mental illness] where I know I am not completely well myself. I’ve had to deal with a lot of it over the years, and I’m on a variety of medications that keep me on an even keel; otherwise I can swing rather dramatically and . . . just . . . the wheels can come off a little bit. So we have to watch, in our family.'"

~ M. Hainey

Those who wouldn't listen to these ideas if they came from other kinds of people might listen to Bruce...or Timothy...or Michael...

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