Sunday, December 20, 2015

How I feel

I need to work harder on completing creative endeavors with women. Here's a funny thing. Well, not ha ha funny. But I know there are some very talented guys who would be a lot of fun to work with, but it feels like they are not as open to me. Like, they don't have a frame of reference, or something, to the way I see things. Example: what if I act hesitant I.E. not how a certain type of man wants me to behave. He sees "grown woman acting childish" and leaves it at that. Unless you completely shove it in his face, he's not going to bother to consider the complexity, because he hasn't been brought up to do that. For example, he probably hasn't been asked to think about rape culture (a term which only recently came into existence) and trauma. Then when he looks at it, it is likely that he sees baggage, a nuisance, instead of an opportunity for him to learn and grow as a person. That's too bad. Its better sometimes not to get exactly what you want and expect. The women are not put on earth to be your mindreader manic pixie dreamgirl cocktail waitresses.

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