Wednesday, December 09, 2015

All the whateverness

So I saw this thing where a person called students babies and I thought aw that's so nice and affectionate but then it was like the devil came with a pitchfork into my thoughts and said except they are not the babies from your ovaries you know the ones that society says you know what I am talking about and then an angel said wtf get behind me Satan and then old scratch said No! This is what happens after you turn 35! Rooooar and then the angel was like now settle down there and then pan the monster said but MOMMY anyways its fun to be a feminist more men should try it back to the rage fests and lesbian literature and God don't punish anyone with cramps we are all getting acquainted with the palma christi which can soothe the concerned and multiply name changed easy as pie! ;-D

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