Saturday, July 18, 2015


A girl of about nine or ten had her own child-sized work desk with an overhanging light. She made jewelry chains, but gave no sales pitch. Small children were attracted to her. When no conversation was attempted, their parents pulled them along, drawn to other vendors. Children lifted petting zoo animals, and the horses with blinders walk-walk-walked in circles as laughing adults leaned over the railings and took photographs.

Maybe the fair was a bit much.

At home, I felt relief and petted the cat that likes to hang around in front. (And combed. And dangled a crochet swatch on the end of a piece of yarn attached to a pencil.)

I have read about fertility and infertility, children and tragedy, the sudden death of a child, and I was grateful for hooks and yarn and loops that turn into things. I practiced some stitches and listened to cave music.

Luray Caverns Stalacpipe Organ ~ Moonlight Sonata

I can practice more stitches today, drinking that free sample chocolate health drink that came in a packet. It tastes like a strange pudding when I make it in the blender. I can choose to like it.

A Child Fund rep. came to my door yesterday and thought a cat was mine, but this is not the case. She does look a lot like my first cat (a calico), but I think she is with other people for a reason. She came in for a little bit today when there was thunder and lightening, but I kept the screen door open and put her back out when her caretakers came back. "I didn't know it was going to rain." "Sorry." "That's okay."

There's been a drought...but today it rained...

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