Sunday, December 28, 2014

My eyelid is swollen

Yesterday I went to the store and the checkout lady was a bit brusque. A guy came over and talked to her and she said something about not wanting any Paparazzi...I'm sure she didn' made me go home and look up Paparazzi...good for Lady Gaga for being Lady Gaga...maybe they were talking about...

I had a dream I was with an author and another woman. I didn't say much. I rode with them across a body of water on a ferry. We had to get out of some severely stormy weather while we were on the boat. Then we got to land, and it was okay. After a little while, I started to speak. I was thinking aloud about a funny "A Very Sexy Christmas" album I heard at a holiday gathering some time ago. The author said, "Did you enjoy it?" She meant not just the album, but the gathering. I said, "Yes I did." Then I woke up. I was searching for any links to that funny album, but instead I found an old 2009 e-mail where I briefly discussed going to the gathering and being found out as a "Werewolf." I looked up Werewolf. Was there another werewolf? Am I making this stuff up...

Lady Gaga - Paparazzi MTV 2009 Music Awards


"the wolves of Hollywood"

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