Friday, March 08, 2013

Something for International Women's Day

From Cartoons By Women Around The World...

(Speaking of female cartoonists, I think I need to read this: Fat Cat Sat On The Mat. Those short vowels brought back a 1980s Watervliet memory surge. My teacher, Mrs. M (last name rhymes with "mean") got all the kids to laugh at my accent when I read the sentence, "Pat sat on the wall." Then, I tried to correct it with something that probably sounded like a British accent, and they only laughed harder. To be fair, I don't think the teacher actually liked the other kids all that much either. Apparently, I kept much of this treatment a secret from my mother at the time. She thinks the teacher didn't like me not only because of the slight southern accent, but also because I had better clothes than a lot of the other kids. (I didn't notice. I don't think they did either. They weren't the ones who picked on me, unless prodded and goaded by the teacher.) Thanks, educated, single, working, child support paying parents! Also, me and two bad boys were the only unCatholic kids who didn't go to special religion class after school during Lent. So if it weren't for us, I guess she could have had a room full of peace and quiet, all to herself. Auuugh! And also, hungry field trip to the fire station memory! Did we ever get lunch? Anyways, I think I will try to find that book one of these days.)

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