Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nature Dream

A dream from a while back: while traveling through very deep woods in the autumn, a man invited me to see his friend's house, which was partly built into the ground (like a "sod house"). I was really interested in seeing this place.

To my surprise, it wasn't just a house. It was partially a house, but it also had extended areas including some kind of store or winery looking area, and it was connected to a whole town that consisted of sod houses. Well, the businesses were all partially built into the earth. You didn't necessary notice that when you went by them. But because I went through this woman's house, I noticed them. 

I was looking at nature-y things online and when I looked at this: Terra Pulchra, I thought, some of it kind of reminds me of Halloween...and then I thought, actually, some of the pictures remind me of that dream...

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