Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Let's try to think positive

The system = scary. Yeah, Virginia. And it's attorney general. Frontline: The Confessions. Bullies who force false confessions do nothing to prevent violence against women. Funny, but now I remember a few things. One: someone who worked in a restaurant with me, a nice enough person normally, completely disgusted me with her views of on rape and women who "dress a certain way." She was training to be a police officer. I shiver. AND, when my paychecks were stolen from that job, I tried to go to the police department and talk to a police officer. I remember she pretty much acted as if she thought I was lying. Tone of voice, facial expression. Is bullying a special skill acquired in that job? It was a yucky experience. To be fair, I also talked to some officers on the phone and they were nicer. In the end, they could do nothing. The only thing that got me those paychecks back, 6 months later and far away from Virginia, was:
1) eventually the bank analyzed the signatures and determined forgery and possibly 2) the people at the company headquarters had a little more ethics than the people I worked with at the actual restaurant.
And now. Postive things!!!
A) The sheer joy I felt one night at a cute little place on this coast, listening to a band called Waldo Bliss. (They had a beautiful female band member, too, who is not on the website.) I was the patron of a good-seeming establishment called Gypsy Den, not an ill-treated employee. The music was so lovely. I felt bliss!!! And gratitude.
B) This is good stuff: Tina Frundt, award-winner, Free The Slaves.
Gracias, gracias, DEO GRATIAS...

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