Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Being in this area reminds you that there is this thing called celebrity. I forget exactly how that "degrees of separation" theory works, but if it has anything to do with "know a person who's met a person," I can think of THREE famous people I've kind of ALMOST been in touch with lately:
1) Sr. Petreus, cause I recently saw my Dad and he was checking his e-mail and they use the same W.P. classmate prayer list, 2) Kanye West, cause one of bellisimo friend's aunts recently had to deal with him over the phone when he kept changing his flights for some reason, and 3) Johnny Depp! Because another aunt works at Disney and rode up in an elevator with him. While he was in full Pirates of Carribean mode. And in character. So that was actually probably a while ago, but how could I not include that? Writers are not often afforded the same degree of celebrity as actors and politicians, but perhaps authors who get their books banned could be on their way...

Still, no matter how much of a celebrity one might be, even meeting him or her is nothing compared to how I can feel about reuniting with a certain food or taste. Right now, for example, I have a strange desire for the Fruit and Nut salad dressing I could get at Aladdin's, which was a really great chain that they don't have out here. It's not a terribly strong craving, but I still want some. And that was not even my favorite dressing there. Weird. I do think it's fun when you read or see a show about a place, and get to visit it. That's like getting in touch with celebrity. I almost had that kind of experience when I tried the fried potato salad at Cafe on the Route. Not terribly healthy for everyday consumption, but still, YUM.

Rite-Aids here have icecream and serve it in square-shaped scoops. Another idiosyncracy.

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