Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sometimes on car drives

I have grandiose and sweeping thoughts.
But that's on car drives.
There's no keypad on a steering wheel.
Tonight, in class, I "winged it." It was no big deal. We just had to come up with plans for press releases for museums and not enough time, and I didn't even have a press release, just ideas. But the other student I was working with told me I was very impressive.
Well, that was cool.
Yes, I began to wonder, in the car, why I have not been "successful" yet.
I have no time to go into it all, but I did have many thoughts.
I also still find the idea that some people will follow around other people as a part of their creative process to be somewhat odd, but lo que sea.
I wasted or tortured or nothing that dramatic but something kind of saddish about looking through an old yearbook. Maybe it was a waste of time. Poking at something.
I have to go to a notary tomorrow.

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