Friday, September 03, 2004

I just tried to sign in by using my Blackboard ID and password. Hah. School habits. These exciting things happened today (oh lovely, free Friday):

1) The internet came to the apartment! (but, am I really that excited?)
2) Continued watching "Dead Like Me" (a Showtime series my roommate began renting on DVD.)
Espisode 3, "Curious George" was particularly poignant.
3) Went shopping at the mall during tax free week, which was actually pretty fun. But then I had a stupid, unpleasant interaction with a group of young men. They greatly annoyed me.

So I decided to write a poem about it.


Maybe she shouldn't have taken off her jacket
Hey gorgeous
she shouldn't have
put on make-up, or
worn those earrings
Aw you're not fuckin' gorgeous
or put up her hair,
or walked so tall
but she did, so
they yell
they laugh
as she zips up her jacket.

I took some creative license with it. Its not always the case when I write in the third person, but in this instance, "she" was based on me. However I didn't wear make-up. I'm just reiterating stereotypical things people say about women who attract unwanted attention. I also didn't actually zip up my jacket until I'd walked to 2 or 3 stores, still thinking about it and not feeling any better. It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much, but it wasn't just that, but other things were on my mind, too. Doesn't it suck when other things on your mind are bothering you and as a result some otherwise insignificant thing throws you!!! Punks. >:-P

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