"She spreads the news of her find by dancing. This waggle dance is based on a figure eight....the angle indicates the direction of the flowers in relation to the sun..."
Honey Bee Dance Moves
"•The Queen bee is only one and she lays the eggs
•The Worker bees are very many, they are all female and they do all the work for the hive including cleaning, feeding the babies, taking care and building and repairing honeycombs. They are all barren. They have stingers and fight in case of attack.
•The drone bees are all male and their only duty is to be ready to fertilize a receptive queen. They do not make honey and they do not fight for they do not have stingers."
Deborah Wakes Up! at
Father's Call
(the world is so full of religion)
"The humble honeybee is starting to play a greater role in the design of urban living."
Why Are Honey Bees and Skyscrapers Sweet For Each Other?
"Master masons built these in, whether it was under direction or not. What you find at Rosslyn is there are so many irregularities and nuances in the stone work and it's as if the stone masons are teasing us from the past," Mr Mitchell said.
"These hives were never intended to be a source of honey. They were there purely to protect the bees from our inclement weather."
"There doesn't seem to be any precedent.
"Bee hives in the past were normally portable. Often they were made of wicker baskets or ceramics, but the intention was that you would have access to them.
"At Rosslyn they are there purely for the bees."
Rosslyn Chapel was haven for bees
"One of Florida’s largest citrus growers, Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., has been fined a mere $1,500 after a state investigation found that the farm illegally sprayed pesticides, resulting in the death of millions of managed honey bees."
"Given that one in every three bites of food is dependent on pollination,
and that commercial beekeeping adds between $20 to $30 billion dollars
in economic value to agriculture each year, it is imperative that action
is taken to protect bees and other pollinators."
Orange Grower Fined...
"Ypsi Melissa is an Ypsilanti-based bee stewardship project that partners with community members and organizations to increase local bee gardens and bee yards, mentor new beekeepers, and raise awareness about pollinators in our community."
Festival of the Honey Bee Opens Tonight